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Dogs flown in to search for unmarked graves in Cree territory – CBC

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by ahnationtalk on August 22, 2023174 Views

‘Going to be a long process,’ says survivor of residential school, helping with search

After George E. Pachano left residential school, he swore he would never return.

But decades later, the 62-year-old, who was forced to spend four years of his childhood at St. Philip’s Indian Residential School (Anglican) of Fort George Island, is now helping co-ordinate the search for unmarked graves in the Cree Nation of Chisasibi.

In July, Pachano was on site as two dogs — trained to sniff out historic human remains — and their handlers from the Ottawa Valley Search and Rescue Dog Association searched the grounds.

It’s the most recent search in the Cree Nation, part of the effort to locate unmarked graves of children who died at the institutions.

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