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MCK: Indian Day School Settlement free ‘Executor and Administrator’ workshop

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by ahnationtalk on January 25, 2021491 Views

(Kahnawake – 25, Tsothohrhkó:wa/January 2021) The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to advise the community that a free Executor and Administrator workshop will take place on Tuesday, February 16, to assist those who are applying for settlements on behalf of deceased Kahnawa’kehró:non.

Estates of Federal Indian Day Schools survivors who passed away on or after July 31, 2007, are eligible to apply.

“Since a number of persons eligible had passed away before the Settlement was reached in 2019, or have passed away since then, it has become clear that a substantial number of people applying for the Settlement on their behalf have had difficulty in navigating the process and/or filling out the application forms,” said Ietsénhaienhs Rhonda Kirby, who has been leading this file on behalf of the MCK. “For this workshop, Gowling WLG lawyers will walk participants through the forms, with a focus on power of attorney and estate claims – which means both those with wills and those without wills.”

The workshop will take place from 7:30pm to 9pm on February 16th. This session is being offered in English. Following the presentation, participants will be able to ask questions.

To register for the event, please go to the following:

As many people are aware, assistance for all other matters related to the Indian Day Schools Settlement can be accessed by contacting Louise Mayo, who is the Coordinator on behalf of the MCK. She is available at 514-793-0662 or by email at Please note that the MCK is not involved in the administration of the Settlement in any way but is offering assistance to community members who are making applications.


Media Inquiries:

Joe Delaronde
Political Press Attaché
450- 632-7500 ext 63251


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