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Seven (7) days to go until Festival Innu Nikamu

by pmnationtalk on July 23, 202487 Views

MANI-UTENAM, Quebec, July 22, 2024 – There is still time to get passports and day passes for the 40th edition of Festival Innu Nikamu, which will take place from July 30th to August 4th, 2024, in the heart of the Innu community of Mani-utenam, near Sept-Iles. This major gathering of over 40 local and international artists, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, will make the two stages come alive:

  • July 30, 2024 – GRANDIS, Shauit, Shanipiap, Set Léo, Shanipiap, Jade Mathieu, Scott-Pien Picard + Kashtin et Spencer St-Onge and K.Maro
  • July 31, 2024 – Sakay Ottawa, Nitatshun, Lildeuce24k & Yung Blues, Bryan André, Laurence Jourdain & Matthew Jourdain, Claude Dubois, $adBaby and Elisapie
  • August 1, 2024 – Jeunes talents, Camp musical, Nikan Awashish, Katia Rock, Sara Curruchich, Passeken, KONG & friends and Flo Rida
  • August 2, 2024 – Le Winston Band, Willie Nab, Tshishapeu, Fort George Rockers, Kashkun/Eshkan/Les Frères Grégoire and Samantha Fox
  • August 3 2024 – Raphaël Picard, Roger Lee Martin, Ninan, Soleil Launière, Les légendes de Innu Nikamu and Aqua
  • August 4, 2024 – Grégoire Boys, IA, The Sheepdogs, Rodrigue Fontaine, Ivan Boivin-Flamand, Mike Demero & DJ Indians and Bryan Adams

All programming and ticketing information is available on the Festival website at

Charter buses to Mani-utenam

For festival-goers traveling to the North Shore (Côte-Nord), it is possible to reach Mani-utenam by chartered buses. Visit the website to book your seats on one of the buses provided for the event.

Departures are scheduled for July 29, with a return on August 5, from the following cities:

    • Montréal | Québec | Saguenay | La Malbaie

Information on prices and departure times is also available on the Festival website. Children aged 6 and under accompanied by an adult travel free of charge.

Innu Nikamuniss

Since the very beginning of the Festival, a special place has been given to children. For the first time this year, young people will enjoy a family site located less than a kilometer from the main Festival site, where traditional activities, performances, conferences, tastings, and various ways to experience Innu culture in the heart of the village will be offered free of charge.

The free musical performances on the Mixbus stage, complementing the official Festival program, are sure to offer discoveries and delights. Guylaine Tanguay, Ced Auger, Sir Pathétik, Maten, Jean-Pierre Fontaine, Arthur Petiquay, Ulric Riverin, Will E. Skandalz, Jérémy Dumais, Uapush Vollant, Siméon Chachai, Éric Leblanc, and Chris Boivin, among many others, will be part of the celebration.

About Festival Innu Nikamu
The mission of the Innu Nikamu Festival is to promote and enhance Innu culture through music, dance, song and the arts. The Festival aims to bring together the Innu communities of Quebec and Labrador, as well as other Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people, in a spirit of sharing and respect. The Festival takes place every August in Mani-utenam, on the North Shore. It is also recognized as one of the largest alcohol-free festivals in Canada.

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